* Thank you to everyone who attended the symposium, all presentations and recordings from the 2 days will be uploaded soon for access. *
The 10th International Hemp Building Symposium was held in Lacapelle-Marival, France. The symposium was a hybrid event with in-person and also online participation on the 11-12th October 2022.
Steve Allin at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
Max Scholtes of the Ecole Nationale de Chanvre at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Delegates discussing technology at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Jacob Waddell at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Stephane Hans of the ENTPE at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Sergiy Kovalenkov of Hempire Ukraine at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Demonstration day at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Paolo Ronchetti of TecnoCanapa at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Dion Lefevbre of 8th Fire Innovations at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Henrik Pauly of HanfIngenieur at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Demonstration day at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Roger Dauer of HanfBaukollektiv at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
Gaurav Dixit of GoHemp Agroventures at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
Gaurav Dixit of GoHemp Agroventures at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
Monika Brummer of Cannatektum at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Demonstrations at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
TecnoCanapa Team at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Pierre Amadieu of Hemp-Act at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Americhanvre and Ereasy at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Cameron McIntosh of Americhanvre at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Yasmin Bawa of HanfBaukollektiv at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
TecnoCanapa demonstration at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. credit Nick Gore.
Gaurav Dixit of GoHemp Agroventures at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
Yasmin Bawa and Roger Dauer of HanfBaukollektiv at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
Gaurav Dixit of GoHemp Agroventures at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
Yasmin Bawa of HanfBaukollektiv at the 10th International Hemp Building Symposium 2022. photo credit Nick Gore.
The location offerd us the opportunity to allow delegates to witness hempcrete spraying demonstrations by EREASY, EUROMAIR and Tecno Canapa, and to see the decortication systems created by HEMP-ACT in action. There was also the traditional presentations from the academic and physical sector with subjects including projects of interest and new materials.
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