Alex Sparrow of UK Hempcrete is this year’s co-host and will be presenting at the 9th International Hemp Building Symposium
The Present Situation in the UK with Regard to Hemp Building Materials and Systems.
Alex first used Hempcrete materials to repair an Oak framed building in the UK and has since gone on to write, with William Stanwix “The Hempcrete Book” one of the latest additions to the published information on the subject. His company UK Hempcrete is one of the leaders in the UK which gives Alex a good position to look at the potential of these materials to solve our emissions problems in the construction sector.
The IHBA symposiums are well known for their ground-breaking technological innovations presented from around the world while at the same time providing an ideal opportunity for networking in this growing sector. This is the largest global gathering of hemp building experts.
Read more and register to attend here.